

Another daughters cry for help that I found on a message board:

"Our Mom has been recently dx with the following listed above- We need as much info as anyone can provide, there are so many mixed messages and treatments , however we are aware it is not curable per the CA Doc but non the less-we want to make the right choices and decisions as far as treatment vs non treatment for her - Some has listed that the tumors dissapear and in some cases they have with our Mom but have come back with a vengance - Recently she was rushed to ER due to  tumor ruptured the spleen and she was bleeding out, according to the docs this never happens except in Leukemia patients but it did for her.. Testing has been ongoing since March of last year , Mom went in for Cataracts and the Doc she saw insisted on a chest X-ray before they went any further , am unsure why but almost a year later and multi biospys of the lungs and lymph nodes int he center of the chest, pulmonologist were certain it was not cancer until Dec another CT was done and a tumor showed in the adrenal gland along within the areas of the liver and spleen, also a lymph node under the arm had been causing her pain- Upon biopsy approx 3 weeks ago of the arm lympoh node the Dx was made and then a week later the spleen ruptured.. We have been advised this is an aggressive Ca , and is not curable but I have read cases where after chemo and or removal of the tumors that some have had a 5 year servival rate and unfortunaly the majority of cases I have seen and or read have been where our Mom is at now - Since being home , she sleeps alot except for a night - is uncomfortable , denies pain but you can see that shes in pain- nothing tastes right to her so no appeitite to speak of , has lost alot of weight already due to not eating- she has stomache upset alot -  We are frustrated with the docotors, althought this being a rare Ca ,I dodnt beleive there is enough info on it and or out there , we are still waiting on further from Mayo on the first biopsy but for now this was the dx given.. Mom has alwasy been healty , never ill , never in hospitals - it so insanley wrong to see someone so well and then a matter of hours and weeks , its gone -  I am angry , I know it is one of the steps but I dont understand the technology they have now it just blows me aways that no one knows anything  ( the Doctors)    
Please,, anyone who has insight and suggestions we would so greatly appreciate them- Our Mom is our rock for our family and our Best Friend  , we whats best for her .. and as much as I hate to say it , it needs to be about quality vs quanity now , I hope I am wrong , and she can be with us for another 5-10 years however not if shes in pain and miserable and unable to enjoy life ..  Please Help "

It is a shame that there isn't much information on Sarcomatoid Carcinoma... I plan to post all information I find here on the blog.

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