
:issue: Fat Tuesday

another shot from my shoot last Saturday...


:issue: just sampling

no words, just a sample


:issue: Cleaning

So, I'm cleaning my hard drives and trying to get re-organized as well as dealing with server issues causing me drama with uploading photos online. But I came across these photos of the kids that made me smile :)

me carrying Little Bittle in her sling
Boopity crying (can't remember why) These were taking a year or so ago

Boopity in his pj's and hat (that he got when he was ONE and randomly wears)


:issue: oatmeal cookies

The other day we baked oatmeal cookies. I can't say they were the best cookies I ever tasted, but they were ok :) Little Bittle loved them while Boopity took a couple of bites and said "yummmm" and 2 seconds later "I'm done now mommy" I wonder if that means he didn't like them...

The dishes were piled up so we had to clean those first
Boopity helped
while she played with HIS toys and had on HIS pajama pants

she helped stir while rolling her eyes
he helped mix everything in
they thought they knew what they were doing! I didn't take any pictures of the cookies... they weren't very pretty... it's the experience for the kids that counts :)