This weekend was so Awesome and I thank GOD. Friday, we Meet with J, who heard about my dads situation because he read the article below.
I am a fellow Bowie resident and brother in Christ. I read your piece and I think that the Lord wants me to join Him in His work with this family. Although I am not sure how he wants to use me, I do know that my job is to stay in His hand and allow him use me as He wills.
Our family Prayer call is every Friday from 8:30PM until mid night sometimes. So at 8:22 PM I received a text message from Tawny:
I was smh (shaking my head). Okay, I get daddy is wondering. Who is this person and what kind of questions are they going to be asking? Why didn't someone warn me in advance and give me the questions to answer first instead of placing me on the spot?
But I'm thinking OH BOY! Its one minute from the call, how do I tell Ja who told me to double triple check if we are ready to start? Hummmmm...the whole time: GOD had already worked it out.
Minutes later I received another text:
Daddys attitude changed completely!
I walk into Tawnys house and Daddy and Ja are chatting it up.
I'm thinking...GOD you ARE awesome and you said NO weapon formed against us shall prosper.
The worry and doubt simply turned into love and joy in minutes. HE is the vine and we are the branches and HE said if we abide in him and him in us we will bear much fruit.
Prayer Call
That was the GREATEST well 2nd greatest prayer call yet!
Minister Shawn called in and ended our call with an AWESOME prayer which had Ja our new addition to the family in tears.
The Meeting
We got an opportunity to meet Ja in person on Saturday! How awesome is that?? His Wife, she is a Beautiful Woman of GOD on the inside and out. They also brought CJ....what an orchestrate he is.
We also met some public gospel singers via pictures and an autographed book who are willing to help.
They all brought AWESOME BIG HUMONGOUS works. GOD is AWESOME!!! And I thank HIM for all of them.
These are our Goals
1. Find Daddy a Doctor who will fight the good fight of faith with us. Not giving us the gloom and doom but hope and seek a cure. One who will focus on my dads needs and how we can continue to heal this body.
2. More physical therapy. He has a new hip and needs to learn how to use it so he can walk again. 3. Full-time Nurse to help dad and mom who is caring for dad.
4. Meals- have someone come to the house and cook. Preparing meals takes up time and we pray also for groceries.
5. Specialized Transportation. Parents have a van, but maybe it can be converted to transport him.
6. Fundraisers - dad doesn't work, and mom hasn't been to work but once since July. She has receive donated leave. But right now she is dads caregiver.
7. WheelChair Accessible Vehicle
8. Establish Non-Profit
Which brings me to today. I am on the train now and its almost 8am. My stop is next. But before I got on the train , I handed several folks a prostate cancer awareness ribbon and bracelet. Which were saying "VOTE DEMOCRATE". Tomorrow is the last day to vote.
So as they hand me something they want me to read and take an interest in. I do the same. Then I see two police officers and share my ribbons and bracelet with the two of them and that my father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in February. Then, one shares his story;
My dad had Prostate cancer and died of it, well he didn't die of Prostate Cancer, but bone cancer because it came out and turned into bone cancer. He said , my dad was a big man all his life 200lbs and when he died he was 87lbs. But once the cancer came out and became bone cancer there was nothing they can do.
I told him we are walking by faith and the other police offer said that is all you can do.
I am so motivated to continue to focus on GOD and HIS promises even more today then yesterday. Ja told me this weekend do not put limitations on what GOD can do! I will not believe or receive that there is NOTHING we can do, as the officer said and I know our testimony will prove to others the POWER of FAITH.
GOD is...and HE promised to never leave or forsake us. HIS words tell us that by HIS stripes WE are healed.
There is currently a pill out there. Johnson and Johnson has tested, but its not available to the public for another year. I WANT IT and if you read this and can get it. Email us.
As we have continued to say. WE walk by Faith and not by sight. We will continue to ask, seek, and knock.
We pray that doctors who love GOD and believe in HIM to take my dads case and have that faith and hope we have. THE CURE is here, believing that dad and other men fighting the good fight are HEALED in JESUS NAME !!!
If you want to help us or can, please email us

Happy Birthday Shai ~from Genana
Video Camera set-up to record our discussion
Ja' and CJ, talking brainstorming with us
Stay tuned for Upcoming Events and Non-Profit
Mommy telling some of our story.
Tracey, (Ja's Wife) Little James, Andrew , Pearl and Tawny
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