Dear Mr. Russell Simmons:
On December 20, 2010, my dad passed away, he had a rare form of Prostate Cancer called Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate. Three days prior to his passing, he signed the official paperwork to Incorporated a non-profit in the State of Maryland which he is the Co-founder of, Warriors Fighting for HIS Cure, INC (WF4HC).
The Mission of WF4HC is to empower those challenged with Prostate Cancer and/or Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate to regain, restore and rebuild their Faith, Family & Finances while taking authority over and working to find a cure for this deadly disease. Our mandate is to walk by faith and not by sight and through the power of Faith to see an end to Prostate Cancer and/or Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate and its effects on Men.
We endeavor to bring awareness, locate programs, resources and solutions that will surround, supplement and sustain the lives of men and those Challenged with Prostate Cancer and Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate so that they can focus on enjoying the qualities of life.
I first would like to ask you if you were aware that there is a Prostate Cancer Awareness Month which our lovely President Obama proclaimed last year. I also wanted to discuss last year's Breast Cancer Month which was TRULY AWESOME. In the month of October 2010 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month), the WORLD got the opportunity to see NFL players in Pink!!! The World of the NFL supported women/men who fought and beat breast cancer, the women/men who are fighting breast cancer and the women/men who have died from Breast Cancer. The Susan G. Komen Foundation has done an Awesome thing for the Breast Cancer Community.
I myself was so wowed, I had to look up how Susan G. Komen for the cure, got started. After reading Nancy's (Susans sister) story and some of the heartfelt emotions and feelings she had, I totally related and this is when we decided that we would become fighters for those fighting Prostate Cancer and Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate, and making Men Aware that they should get a Prostate Screening and the importance.
I, Jamecia Muckelvene, am the CEO and Founder, of WF4HC, and it saddens me that, the cure wasn’t already here, prior to my dad’s passing, or that I didn’t realize there was a blue ribbon and the importance of a Prostate Screening. If there was more Awareness and even better yet, a CURE, my daddy, James Irving Muckelvene, a Faithful loving man of GOD, would have have still been here. My dad has all girls, just like you. :)
Mr. Simmons, I feel that my purpose here is to provide others more awareness and fight for a cure. You can read his story on this blog we created (4wewalkbyfaith.blogspot.com).
So, enough of the emotional stuff. So, why am I writing this letter to you? Well, I don't watch TV much , but I happened to turn to your show, Running Russell Simmons, and both times I watched, you totally brought tears to my eyes.
The first was when Simone (Reyes) your Executive Assistant told you her biopsy showed signs of pre-cancer. You were in SHOCK, like she was your daughter and you imeediately told her you would find her the best doctors and what EVER you could do for her YOU WOULD. You hired a chef not asking if she would like you to do that, but you did it because you love her as family. You hired a Chef, not just to cook for her, but to show her how to cook healthy foods. I was in tears because, although my parents had insurance, I couldn’t afford to pay the best doctors to come in and take care of my dad. I couldn’t afford a Chef although later with prayer one did arrive, and made daddy SEVERAL meals; however, Daddy passed before he could finish them. We THANK Chef Keith James (http://www.chefupnorth.com/) and his wife Ronda Cave.
The second was after we came up with the idea to start the non-profit and we were seeking different types of Jewelry which Warriors could purchase in the honor of their loved one’s fighting or the loss of warriors that passed. When I saw the show with TI, and you presented the dog tag suggestion, I LOVED it…I cried when the following weekend I saw your vision come to life. My sister had a Kay Jewelers booklet and right in front of me were the DOG tags…it was like…if only I could make my dreams a reality. If only I had the support you have.
So, I write this open letter to you asking for your support. My dad served in the United States Armed forces for over 20 years (1973-1993), him and my mom married over 38 years, and he has always been loyal and faithful to his 3 girls, his 8 grandchildren and his "always and forever" love, our mom. He was especially faithful to GOD whom we know he is with in Heaven.
Mr. Simmons, Daddy was a Warrior who lived to a strict code of honour AND lived life to the fullest in full awareness and without fear of the unpredictable nature of life and of the constant presence of death. Even in his time of death he did not fear death, he just excepted it as another part of his journey and therefore as with all things he faced death with honour.
I Ask that you become a BLUEWarrior, so we continue to fight this fight against Prostate Cancer and Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate and so that daddy will not just be a memory , but his legacy will live on through WF4HC! I am asking you help me connect with others in the Media, so that we the Warriors Fighting for HIS Cure, INC can spread more Awareness of Prostate Cancer and Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Prostate. If you are interested in talking with me and helping me make my dream of this non-profit a reality and so as Susan G. Koman has received support WORLDwide, the Blue Warriors can also receive support for our MEN who are also fighting. Please email me at warriors@warriorsfightingforhiscure.org or call 240-671-9360. This is my OPEN letter to you in the hopes that you will contact me.
For those that wish to donate, please us this link. (copy and paste)
Some interesting things to know:
Did you know that the NCI estimates that more than 32,000 American fathers, husbands, brothers, sons and friends will die this year from that disease?
Did you know that Prostate Cancer Awareness month is September 2011?
Did you know The NCI estimates that 217,230 Prostate Cancer cases will be diagnosed this year, and more than the 207,090 cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed?
Did you know that other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American Men?
Some notes for African American Men since Black History Month is February
Did you know that African American men have the highest prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world? The incidence rate is up to 60% higher than - and mortality rate double - that of Caucasian males, who have the second highest rate.
Did you know that African-American men have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer and are twice as likely to die from it as other men with the cancer?
Did you know that nearly 100% of African-American men diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer are still alive five years from diagnosis? Of African-American men diagnosed in the late stages of the disease, 29% survive five years.*
Did you know, early detection for prostate cancer involves a simple blood test and a physical exam. It takes about 10 minutes and is covered by health insurance in many states.
Hello Mrs. Muckelvene, this is an interesting and awesome platform to educate those who are unaware of this rare form of cancer. I had the honor of meeting you and your family during this tragic moment, and was moved by the obvious and overwhelming love shown by your Mom to your Dad. I remember having a detailed conversation with your Mom about your Dad's condition and how she felt as if so much more couldve been done to help him before and during his final days. The company I work for provided the home medical equipment for your father. I still have the support bracelet that your Mom gave me to post and show support to your family cause. I hope that you and your family receive all of the help and support you seek in bringing the world to a better understanding of how to deal with this sickness. Thank you
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