I was looking at my emails from way back when and found this email I sent to my parents back in 2006...after you read my email, you will see, Daddy's Response. All World Girl is Pearline my daughter whose Birthday is 1/11/11 this year. She will be 14. Daddy said she will be Famous one day and I believe him.
Hello Mother and Father-
I have been doing a lot of thinking and I want you and Daddy to be TWO happy people. What would be your ultimate happy household…if there was one? Let’s say I decided to have a slumber party or sleep over at my house with my sisters. What would I say to one of them or both of them that would make things so much easier on you?? Please do not just send an email just type the first thing that comes to your mind. Please think about it first…let my question soak in …then respond. Life is not guaranteed for any of us and I just want my immediate family to live life as if it is our last days.
What could I do to make things easier on the both of you? Other then being a pest, because I know you like it…but on a serious note please give it some thought and let me know.
I Love you
p.s. I have also cc: them on this email, please just hit reply if you only want me to read or reply all if you want all of us to know what’s on your mind. My sisters can respond to the second question about what I could do to make things easier on them, but if you want mommy and daddy to do things differently to make yours easier…hold your breath…it ain’t happening. Your going to have to change yourself cause they ain’t changing for no one but the man up above.
From: James Muckelvene [mailto:jmuckelvene@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 3:27 PM
To: Muckelvene, Jamecia
Subject: Re: For My wonderful Parents.
That's so sweet Mecca , Here's my list.
1. Relax and enjoy your independence.
2. Make sure All World Girl has a round trip ticket home when she
3. Never think you can do it all.
4. Don't be satisfied with your accomplishments or you're stop having
5. Take notice that when you are happy we are happier
That's my short list. I'm reserving the long list to give to you
for the rest of my life.
Love you
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