Been spending a lot of time at dr's offices and hospitals lately with my dad. We still haven't received any new results, just a bunch of tests. Sitting on pins and needles for results and more information.
While we're with him at his appointments, we try to make him laugh to keep his mind off of things. It's working from what I can tell. He's in great spirits!
I usually carry along my camera while Mecia (middle sister) brings her video camera and we document everything :) Take a peek @ a few of the pics from yesterday below:
roads in DC weren't too bad!
she must have said something she thought was funny, but he didn't!
They rushed us to write our names I couldn't even write my complete last name!
wonder what she's thinking about...
they heart eachother
she's acting shy now about taking pictures... she forgets that I've seen all her photo albums and "strike a pose" pictures from when she was younger. AND she's told me plenty of times "woooo woo, when I was your age {30} I was unstoppable! everyone had their eyes on me!"
I let my mom snap this shot and I specifically told everyone it was going to come out like this... a shot of the entire room, not just us
i love this man :-) The best father anyone could ask for
looooooooooooooove this..... *prayers are still on full blast*
Thank you for sharing these images. They are full of emotion. You are such a wonderful daughter! My prayers are with you and your family.
*tear* I love you guys!!
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