I am starting to realize how much of a GREAT influence my dad has been to me and others. I always knew he's an awesome dad, husband, uncle, GRANDfather, etc. but I'm just now realizing how MUCH he means to me... All my life he's been going out of his way to teach us lessons. Some of them I listened to closely and others I would roll my eyes thinking "Oh Lord, here he goes trying to make a point again". He did (and does) things like forcing me to learn to drive a stick shift first so I wouldn't take the "easy way out" of my driving lesson. My first car was a used Hyundai so I wouldn't start off with the best but work my way up to it. Everything he does for us has a lesson attached to it and I appreciate it soooo much now! I realize everything he has shown me helps me to push and push and push to get where I want to be. Of course him and I don't see eye to eye on a number of things and he's not ALWAYS right (just 95% of the time). Everything that he has taught me, I strive to teach my babies and in fact do without even knowing it.
The main thing he has taught me is to dust yourself off and try again... no matter what. He's been through so many things health and life wise and has ALWAYS dusted himself off and tried again... Just like I know he will do this time.
This test of our strength has shown me how much I love my father... I miss him when I'm not around him, I want to hug him every second, kiss his forehead, lay on his arm, talk to him, etc. and will never roll my eyes while he's talking again! *i promise*

1 comment:
is that boopie fallen off his scooter? awww... but great post tawnster.... we all must learn to be STRONG in life... live out LOUD. blessed be.
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