January 1st is my anniversary & the beginning of a new year for me. I can say that I'm ready for this year, but the question is "is it ready for me!?" I feel soooo motivated, pumped, driven, unstoppable. I certainly don't plan on this wearing off @ all. 2010 has lots in store for me!
My "Resolutions" ???
- choose my battles wisely. I have the tendency to "act up" when I don't get my way. This year I want less of that and more "bending" on my part.
- DO IT MYSELF. Last year I feel as though I relied a lot on partnerships. This year I won't be scared to bang doors down on my own!
- Don't let others block my blessings. By that I mean, I don't plan on letting anyone Else's negativity bring me down... Ultimately causing my blessings to be blocked by reacting negatively.
- J U S T D O I T. I won't be "talking myself into" doing things. I'm going to just do it.
- STAY ORGANIZED! (myself + kids)
- Remain positive & inspiring.
- Try to stay away from gossip! (ok, except for celebrity gossip, lol)
- Follow up, Follow up, Follow up, Follow up!!!
Lastly, my top 3companies to shoot for in 2010 (amongst others):
- Billie Girls
- Shop Justice
- Target
Lastly I'll leave you with a photo of breakfast I made for my hubby for our anniversary. Heart shaped pancakes + a "K" for Kardan & "T" for Tawny (short for JaTawny)

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