I've been:
* shooting a new editorial for lunchbox magazine
* working on my new promo material
* condensing my "to shoot for" list to fit MY style
* getting geared up to shoot for a new non profit where I shoot some super cool people
* cleaning up images
* cleaning up my hard drives
* preparing to send new promos to clients
* playing in a ladies poker tournament @ the Borgata where I placed 38th or 206 (clearly would rather have been #1 or even 27th so I'd place in the cash! NEXT TIME)
* being a mommy
* being a wife :)
* personal client shoots
And lots more... but that's just in a nutshell...
Right before I started blogging, I was working on a few images I shot of one of my fav models... We'll call her "Bean". She is such a sweetie and so professional. Her mom is ALWAYS on time and Ms. Bean is always on her best behavior on the set! Just about every chance I get, I submit her to be photographed for a job I'm working on because I can always count on her & 9 times out of 10, the client selects her :)

Well, I've got to run! BIG LOVE is on!