
:issue: 15 yr old photog

I am finally getting around to removing the images from San Diego from my memory card. Of course these aren't all of them, just a few of the ones I like :)

I think all in all San Diego was great and hopefully we made a few long lasting connections... That's what it's all about isn't it?? Is it just me or does any other photog get "THIS IS YOUR BOOK? I thought you were 15 years old!" 15, really??? I am thankful for the compliment, but I have to do something about this! I may not get the same amount of time with each client, they may take one look and think I'm a child! Time to go to Nordstrom's, Macy's or wherever to find myself a few "POWER SUITS"!

on the plane...

love this shot

my rep and I. This is one of the reasons for the trip. I got to see the "Thank a Teacher" project I shot last month, but it was fun to see it again, traveling all over! This is only a portion of the panels. See below posts for more!

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