
:issue: discombobulated

I just want to SCREAM today!

I am finding the past 2 months to be a quite difficult...

- sons birthday party in November.

- sisters birthday & baby shower in November.

- bf's birthday in November.

- nieces birthday party in November.


- Working on the push for new clients for the new year.

- my bridal shower in November.

- Daughters birthday party in December.

- HIS birthday party in December. (they have the same bday)

- Christmas.

- Wedding.

- Making sure my marketing material is PERFECT before we send it out...

- Making sure my family gets the attention they need from me while I am SWAMPED.

- Desk is a wreck!

- House is out of whack!

& I know I am forgetting some things. I am certainly not complaining, just feeling a little bit POOped...


eLbie said...

my LORD... i knew it was a LOT cuz i was there for most of it but seeing it written down like that, JEEPERS! LOL.. you're making it thru like a trooper tho!!! chin-up!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club...I swear we're twins...LOL