
Merry Christmas {early}

So much going on over here that I'm not sure I'll log on for Christmas. Just wanted to post a couple Holiday Greetings!

So, this year we were walking in Pentagon City and Boopity says "ooooh mommy, there's Santa, can we go see him?" My mom and dad take him over and bring him back. Seems that this year the prices for taking photos with Santa have gone up... But guess who wants to take a picture with the expensive Santa stand when his mommy is a photographer?? None other than Boopity himself. SO, an idea shot through my mind and I took my dad to the side and asked how he felt about dressing up as Santa for the kids (mine, my nieces and nephews and other invited children) and he says "SURE!"

I tell Boopity that Santa has made a special date to come and see him and take a photo with him, Little Bittle & his cousins and friends. The day comes and they're all excited! Santa walks in, I was scared that Boopity would recognize him. I KNEW my nephew would recognize him for sure, but I was wrong! They were so excited and happy! Here are a couple funny pics of my 2. Not sure what Boopity was thinking in this photo. Maybe "hmmmm, this guy looks kinda familiar." No need to guess what Little Bittle was thinking, clearly she wants him to put her down.


:issue: junior

Sitting here working on reorganizing my office & computer files and came across a LOAD of stuff I've never shared.

Below is Helen, a teen model I photographed for Cima Talent Management. An agency that I have also teamed up with. In fact, we just finished our first push marketing to ad agencies, etc. Can't wait to see some results from that!

Helen was a sweet girl with an amazing personality. Her mother is also GORGEOUS~ Anyhoo, here are some pics!


:issue: discombobulated

I just want to SCREAM today!

I am finding the past 2 months to be a quite difficult...

- sons birthday party in November.

- sisters birthday & baby shower in November.

- bf's birthday in November.

- nieces birthday party in November.


- Working on the push for new clients for the new year.

- my bridal shower in November.

- Daughters birthday party in December.

- HIS birthday party in December. (they have the same bday)

- Christmas.

- Wedding.

- Making sure my marketing material is PERFECT before we send it out...

- Making sure my family gets the attention they need from me while I am SWAMPED.

- Desk is a wreck!

- House is out of whack!

& I know I am forgetting some things. I am certainly not complaining, just feeling a little bit POOped...