Birthday video from my dad's surprise birthday party October 24th. Happy Birthday to one of the most AMAZING men in the world. We love you Daddy~
~Minister Shawn Matthew Cook~
As I was making breakfast this morning and talking on the phone with my sister Mecia, we both realized I hadn't posted about Minister Shawn Matthew Cook recently. I have posted about him a few times before but not lately and figured it was time to show appreciation again.
A few days ago my dad was feeling a lot of pain. Throughout the day, I kept asking him how he was feeling and if he felt any better. The answer went from "I feel ok" to "not feeling good at all". The pain meds just didn't seem to be doing the trick. As I went out to make dinner run (time got away from me and I was unable to make dinner, so, I picked it up) Shawn (we call him Shawn because he is like the brother we never had) came over to sit and praise, worship and read with my dad. By the time I came back, Shawn was gone. I walked in my dads room and asked him how he was feeling now and he said "I feel so much better every time Shawn comes to pray with me"
I too feel much better after hearing him pray. Something about the way he prays is..... something I really can't explain. His prayers and teachings are not confusing.... they are genuine.... they are educational... they are touching.... they are meaningful....they are POWERFUL!!!
Photos below by Belinda during on of Shawn's visits with my dad.
Minister Cook is a prayer coach and has an AWESOME prayer line in the am the call in number is 1-866-846-3997 and the passcode 787545. This call is held on the WEEKDAYs (M-F) every morning from 8:20am-8:30am or thereabout. If you want to email him a prayer request, his email address is
We thank him for his prayers, study, and love. Thank you Shawn!
A few days ago my dad was feeling a lot of pain. Throughout the day, I kept asking him how he was feeling and if he felt any better. The answer went from "I feel ok" to "not feeling good at all". The pain meds just didn't seem to be doing the trick. As I went out to make dinner run (time got away from me and I was unable to make dinner, so, I picked it up) Shawn (we call him Shawn because he is like the brother we never had) came over to sit and praise, worship and read with my dad. By the time I came back, Shawn was gone. I walked in my dads room and asked him how he was feeling now and he said "I feel so much better every time Shawn comes to pray with me"
I too feel much better after hearing him pray. Something about the way he prays is..... something I really can't explain. His prayers and teachings are not confusing.... they are genuine.... they are educational... they are touching.... they are meaningful....they are POWERFUL!!!
Photos below by Belinda during on of Shawn's visits with my dad.
Minister Cook is a prayer coach and has an AWESOME prayer line in the am the call in number is 1-866-846-3997 and the passcode 787545. This call is held on the WEEKDAYs (M-F) every morning from 8:20am-8:30am or thereabout. If you want to email him a prayer request, his email address is
We thank him for his prayers, study, and love. Thank you Shawn!
Hail to the Redskins!
October 24th was one of the greatest days ever! It was my Dad's birthday. He turned 58 years young!
We planned a surprise birthday party for him and it was wonderful! Redskins, of course was the theme this year. He has been a faithful Redskins fan for as long as I can remember (I would venture to say as long as I've been alive which is 31 years!) & his birthday fell on Sunday. We invited friends and family to join us in celebrating another year of LIFE! He was so surprised and happy to see everyone. My aunts & cousins drove in from Chesapeake/Norfolk, VA and friends and family located here in MD gathered for the great surprise! My aunt Sheila, Aunt Mattie, uncle Dupre and my sister Mecia also got the chance to see him take steps to his wheelchair. It was such a glorious day!
My sister decided she wanted to play photog with my camera for the day so please excuse some of the photos if they're blurred! There are others that I LOVE the perspective and of course there are some that I took as well.
The day was soooooooooo fantastic, no one wanted it to be over!!!! I am so happy that we made my dads day and want to thank everyone who helped make him smile!! We LOVE YOU ALL! Sorry to anyone that wasn't photographed :-( You are very much appreciated!!!
P.S. I Think the Redskins owe my sister Mecia a HUGE thank you! While she said a prayer to bless the food, she threw in " Thank you Lord in advance for the win that the redskins will have today"and as you know..... THEY WON!!!
We planned a surprise birthday party for him and it was wonderful! Redskins, of course was the theme this year. He has been a faithful Redskins fan for as long as I can remember (I would venture to say as long as I've been alive which is 31 years!) & his birthday fell on Sunday. We invited friends and family to join us in celebrating another year of LIFE! He was so surprised and happy to see everyone. My aunts & cousins drove in from Chesapeake/Norfolk, VA and friends and family located here in MD gathered for the great surprise! My aunt Sheila, Aunt Mattie, uncle Dupre and my sister Mecia also got the chance to see him take steps to his wheelchair. It was such a glorious day!
My sister decided she wanted to play photog with my camera for the day so please excuse some of the photos if they're blurred! There are others that I LOVE the perspective and of course there are some that I took as well.
my mom & I putting my fathers shoes on
helping him stand
walking to his wheel chair
helping to make sure he sits carefully
the crowd yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" & he smiles
everyone watches as we take him down the ramp (built by Eric. THANK YOU!!) to his chair
helping him get into his recliner
SMILING as he poses with a t-shirt printed and given by Jessi & Mitchell
James & Andrews. REDSKINS!!
some of the balloons
Our "adopted" sister Katona and cousin Belinda
My nephew De'Andre & cousin Tasha
everyone watching the game! Sister Nique, Rick, Kyle, Aunt Sheila, Tasha, Daddy & Kecia (photo by me)
the cake & cupcakes. Decorated by our new friend Kim (THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP!!!!) Katona picked up the cake. (photo by me)
skins cupcakes! (photo by me)
(photo by me)
cousin Kory giving thumbs up! (with his family & Kim in the background) (photo by me)
Moms co-worker Ms. Sheila
Cousin Kecia, Aunt Sheila (THE ONLY COWBOY IN THE HOUSE) Reka & Reka's niece (photo by me)
Uncle Dupre (photo by me)
Mecia... are you exhausted? (photo by me)
Mitchell & Jessi
(photo by me)
Tasha, Rick & Bianca
The kids having a blast outside in the yard!
The day was soooooooooo fantastic, no one wanted it to be over!!!! I am so happy that we made my dads day and want to thank everyone who helped make him smile!! We LOVE YOU ALL! Sorry to anyone that wasn't photographed :-( You are very much appreciated!!!
P.S. I Think the Redskins owe my sister Mecia a HUGE thank you! While she said a prayer to bless the food, she threw in " Thank you Lord in advance for the win that the redskins will have today"and as you know..... THEY WON!!!
Kiss me like you'll never see me again...
Yesterday morning while taking my son to school I heard Alicia Keys on the radio. I'd heard the song a million times so I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics as I had other things on my mind.... Suddenly the lyrics jumped out at me and I haven't been the same since...
This song has touched me, not because of what the doctors said about my dad or what anyone else believes but because it's so true. We tend to take our loved ones for granted... but we never know when the last time we will get to see their face will be and that makes me so sad. Last night while helping my dad into his wheelchair, I held on to his arms a little longer than usual because that's really the only time I am able to actually hold him... While putting my daughter to bed, I squeezed her cheeks & pressed my lips to them longer than I did the night before... While my son was sleeping, I held his hand.... This morning when I came back from dropping my son off to school, I watched my husband while he slept... And after I type this post I plan on asking my mom to help me paint so that I can spend more time with her...
Last night it hit me that my parents have not been able to sleep in the same bed for at least 7 months. Because my dads bones are so fragile, she doesn't want to hurt him so she lays on a mattress right beside his bed. I tried to convince them yesterday to just lay in the bed for 10 minutes together but they were both worried that she may lay on the wrong spot and hurt something.. I can not wait until we can get him into an actual bed (not medical) so that they can hold eachother again... "'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed" (for ANY OF US)
This song has touched me, not because of what the doctors said about my dad or what anyone else believes but because it's so true. We tend to take our loved ones for granted... but we never know when the last time we will get to see their face will be and that makes me so sad. Last night while helping my dad into his wheelchair, I held on to his arms a little longer than usual because that's really the only time I am able to actually hold him... While putting my daughter to bed, I squeezed her cheeks & pressed my lips to them longer than I did the night before... While my son was sleeping, I held his hand.... This morning when I came back from dropping my son off to school, I watched my husband while he slept... And after I type this post I plan on asking my mom to help me paint so that I can spend more time with her...
Last night it hit me that my parents have not been able to sleep in the same bed for at least 7 months. Because my dads bones are so fragile, she doesn't want to hurt him so she lays on a mattress right beside his bed. I tried to convince them yesterday to just lay in the bed for 10 minutes together but they were both worried that she may lay on the wrong spot and hurt something.. I can not wait until we can get him into an actual bed (not medical) so that they can hold eachother again... "'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed" (for ANY OF US)
If I had no more time
No more time left to be here
Would you cherish what we had?
Was it everything that you were looking for?
If I couldn't feel your touch
And no longer were you with me
I'd be wishing you were here
To be everything that I'd be looking for
I don't wanna forget the present is a gift
And I don't wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me
'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed
So every time you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again
Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time
Promise that you'll love me
Love me like you'll never see me again
Oh Oh Oh
How many really know what love is?
Millions never will
Do you know until you lose it
That it's everything that we are looking for
When I wake up in the morning
You're beside me
I'm so thankful that I found
Everything that I been looking for
I don't wanna forget the present is a gift
And I don't wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me
'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed
So everytime you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again
(can you do that for me baby)
Every time you touch me
(see we don't really know)
Touch me like this is the last time
(see everyday we never know)
Promise that you'll love me
(I want you to promise me)
Love me like you'll never see me again
(like you'll never see me again)
Oh oh oh oh oh
written by Alicia Keys & Kerry “Krucial” Brothers
{ you have forever changed me with this song}
Friends like this...
Friends like this are hard to come by... "Like what?" you may be asking... Friends that are more like family. Friends that hurt when you hurt, smile when you smile, cry when you cry and are right there to pick you up.
Luckily, we have friends like this. They each were placed in our lives for a reason and we are thankful they are apart of our family.
This past friday a group of our friends that we affectionately call the "Fun Bunch" came over to visit with my dad (MOST of the fun bunch was here!). I bet you can guess why they're called the "Fun Bunch"! These ladies (oh, and 2 gentlemen) know how to have FUN and make you smile! But they also know how to be there for each other. ~They're there whenever you need them~ Through the good and the bad....
Unfortunately I missed their visit. I had a shoot in Baltimore for Until There's a Cure Foundation and `a mini getaway with my husband to play in a tournament. Clearly I had a goal of winning the big jackpot from the tournament so that I could purchase whatever is needed without any worries! My husband told my sister (who stayed @ our house with my parents) that a package would be arriving by 8pm... The whole time we assumed it was something he ordered online that would be delivered on friday. They came knocking @ 8:00pm and my sister realized THEY were the package. I <3 these ladies dearly and I am so sad I missed them.
Sending them a {{{{{{{{{{VIRTUAL HUG }}}}}}}}}}}
Journal Entries
I feel like most of the time that I post, it's about good things that are happening or breakthroughs... I tend to leave out the times that I feel sad or confused and maybe even ANGRY that such a wonderful mad has to go through this pain... that someone that served his country HAPPILY/PROUDLY for 20 years can be denied certain services that he feels will help him win this fight by an insurance company that he paid on time monthly... Today I feel SAD/MAD/CONFUSED/LOST/ANGRY/GRUMPY.... Today I'm wondering "WHY MY DAD??????".... I mean, he's such a beautiful man that mainly did good things... I know he isn't perfect, but he's pretty close in my eyes.... and that's when I tend to answer my own question.... The GOOD are always attacked... People will say things like "whatever happens is what God wanted to happen" HUH???? You can't really believe that right? This cancer is not from God, I promise you...
Today, my father feels pain in his back and it just SUCKS that there is nothing I can really do to take it away!! :-( :-( I find myself hoping and praying that God will just send the RIGHT person to knock on my front door and REVERSE everything that has happened. I know God is working and I SEE it with my own eyes...but I am not perfect and there are those days that I just can't be strong.... Practically everything we were told would happen, the opposite has happened... "He will lose weight" we were told... Well, that's not right, he's gained weight ever since he left the hospital.... "He will not have an appetite" Really? Then why is he scraping the plate clean every time I fix him food? "His bones will get worse and worse" Yeah? Then why did his Orthopedic Surgeon say that his bones are actually regenerating growth?????? I mean honestly, if we listened to everything we were told and just gave up we would have never seen how God works! Makes me sad that some people actually do throw in the towel and give up.... But my dad is only 57, there's no FREAKIN way we're standing for that.
It's amazing that as I type, I am getting stronger than I felt a few minutes ago.....
My father gave me permission to share some of his journal entries on this blog... He doesn't really want to type them himself but I will type them here from what he wrote as well as scan each entry I share.
(March, 7, 2010) From the journal of James Muckelvene:
" I woke up around 2:55am and Pearl tells me to take my pain medicine. She is forever watching me, she loves me so. My slightest movement wakens her from her sleep. I manage to get to the bathroom and adjust the thermostat then to the pills. It finally appears we have discovered the correct dosage and times. I truly hope so. As I sit in the chair, I think about Mecia's competitive spirit, Nique's stubbornness and Tawny's let's all just get along. Each one I have in abundance. Stubborn Mecia, Competitive Tawny and well just a little why can't we all just get along Nique. But I am proud of them and love them all so much. God has allowed me and my lovely wife to build and enjoy a beautiful life and a beautiful legacy of which I am so grateful for (remember mommy) "grateful". I Love You.
Until Next Time!
P.S. GUYS, PLEASE GET CHECKED FOR PROSTATE CANCER! IT IS SO NECESSARY! Please make an appointment TODAY! They say it's the slowest growing cancer and the easiest to cure, but when it spreads it has the ability to turn into a whole different monster.
Today, my father feels pain in his back and it just SUCKS that there is nothing I can really do to take it away!! :-( :-( I find myself hoping and praying that God will just send the RIGHT person to knock on my front door and REVERSE everything that has happened. I know God is working and I SEE it with my own eyes...but I am not perfect and there are those days that I just can't be strong.... Practically everything we were told would happen, the opposite has happened... "He will lose weight" we were told... Well, that's not right, he's gained weight ever since he left the hospital.... "He will not have an appetite" Really? Then why is he scraping the plate clean every time I fix him food? "His bones will get worse and worse" Yeah? Then why did his Orthopedic Surgeon say that his bones are actually regenerating growth?????? I mean honestly, if we listened to everything we were told and just gave up we would have never seen how God works! Makes me sad that some people actually do throw in the towel and give up.... But my dad is only 57, there's no FREAKIN way we're standing for that.
It's amazing that as I type, I am getting stronger than I felt a few minutes ago.....
My father gave me permission to share some of his journal entries on this blog... He doesn't really want to type them himself but I will type them here from what he wrote as well as scan each entry I share.
(March, 7, 2010) From the journal of James Muckelvene:
" I woke up around 2:55am and Pearl tells me to take my pain medicine. She is forever watching me, she loves me so. My slightest movement wakens her from her sleep. I manage to get to the bathroom and adjust the thermostat then to the pills. It finally appears we have discovered the correct dosage and times. I truly hope so. As I sit in the chair, I think about Mecia's competitive spirit, Nique's stubbornness and Tawny's let's all just get along. Each one I have in abundance. Stubborn Mecia, Competitive Tawny and well just a little why can't we all just get along Nique. But I am proud of them and love them all so much. God has allowed me and my lovely wife to build and enjoy a beautiful life and a beautiful legacy of which I am so grateful for (remember mommy) "grateful". I Love You.
scanned entry
~~~~~~Until Next Time!
P.S. GUYS, PLEASE GET CHECKED FOR PROSTATE CANCER! IT IS SO NECESSARY! Please make an appointment TODAY! They say it's the slowest growing cancer and the easiest to cure, but when it spreads it has the ability to turn into a whole different monster.
Donate $1 (or more) and Share

Today is the Start of the Donate a $1 (or More) and Share Fundraiser on Facebook. What we are asking people to do is donate a dollar via paypal to an account we have set up for our dad and share it on their page. Hoping their friends will aslo share. We are looking to purchase a High Back Wheel Chair for him and a Nice Medical Bed as he Heals. Everyday, GREAT and WONDERFUL things are happening and we THANK all of you in Advance for your Donations, Prayers and letters. If you do not have a FB page and can not share on your page, please pass this information on to your friends and family. You can donate via paypal at
October 4th - October 10th
Daddy's Birthday is on October 24th!
Friday Familly Prayer Call

Our Family has a Prayer Call Every Friday, and this Friday, October 1, 2010 was a little different. The Kids lead us and I ended in a prayer! Jayden , my dad's grand-nephew read and My Daughter Sang There's Hope by India Arie! SO Great! Here is what Jayden Read/Wrote for Our Prayer Call. See Below after our Fundraiser Announcement.
This week Starting October 4th, we will be hosting a fundraiser on Facebook for my dad.
Donate a $1.00 (or more) and Share. We are asking that you donate a dollar and share it on your page with others so they too can donate a dollar. We are currently looking to get my dad, a excellent bed and high chair. With your help we can make this happen. We are also trying to get in contact with Veterans Affairs to see if they can help us with paying for physical Therapist.
Read WHAT Jayden wrote for our family Prayer Call who also wants to donate his car collection to help support Daddy!
Doctors and scientists have found out that a person who is sick but
laughs and smiles a lot will get better faster than they would if they were
sad and didn’t laugh. Proverbs 17:22 tells us this fact. God loves us more
than we can imagine and that gives us the peace to be able to smile and
laugh even when we are sick.
People with broken spirits feel like giving up. They are sad and don’t
laugh or smile. The Bible says that this attitude will dry them up. They
are like apples left in the sun all day – they will shrivel up and shrink
down to a wrinkled mess. But if we trust God and remind ourselves of
how much He loves us, then we can be happy in that.
It’s never fun to be sick but the great news is that we do not have to stay
sick! Many people in Jesus’ time were sick. One woman was bleeding
for 12 years and couldn’t make it stop. An older man was never able to
walk. Other people had the terrible disease of leprosy for which no
medicine could cure. Still others could not see and some could not hear.
In every case when these people trusted in God and believe HE would
heal them, they were healed.
The next time you are sick, you should think of my Uncle Rudy. Instead
of focusing on how bad he feels, he thinks about how much God loves
him and knows that God has the power to heal. And before you know it,
Uncle Rudy is smiling and feeling better.
Wanna read more about it: Proverbs 15:30 offers this gem to live by: a
cheerful look brings joy and good news brings health.
Jayden’s Tip: I know that God loves me. So, I’m going to have a cheerful
By Jayden Strand!
Thank you J...We love you.
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