
:issue: gorilla style

Today I had a shoot with a lovely model to update her portfolio! She did great. I pretty much did this shoot "gorilla style ". Just drove around and found different locations that fir the outfits we put together well. This is one of my fav. shots from today.


:issue: Enchanted Enfant

I am so excited to be working with a new client, Enchanted Enfant. Their line is soooo beautiful, dainty, classic, exquisite. I've completed 2 shoots for this line within the last month and I am in LOVE with the images we are capturing.

{sneak peek}


:issue: sun stalker

I've been stalking the sun for quite some time. Here's a photo of my son I took a few years ago


:issue: 31 is the new 21

So, yesterday was my birthday! I celebrated early with my husband/family/friends by going out to eat & to party :)

Yesterday, we did Friday's & Freddy! I have to say that I have always loved Nightmare on Elm Street and this new re-make did not disappoint... however, I was a little taken aback by the confirmation of Freddy's crimes :-/ I could have done without that!

 31 is the new 21! a shot of me on my 31st b-day

Below, check out shots from my Gossip Girl/Hula Star shoot last week! 

Right now I'm getting for part 2 of my shoot for Enchanted Enfant, I'll upload samples soon!


:issue: posted

pretty cool. I've received 4 different messages regarding 4 different shoots I completed in the past from friends letting me know that they saw my work published/posted somewhere.

1) kerry rhodes (psa posted on news blog)
2) picture of mya & myself posted on fan blog
3) images from my beetlejuice london shoot posted on ideeli
4) images I shot for no worries cosmetics published in Urbanite Magazine


:issue: no wonder

During my shoots, I typically encourage the children I'm working with to jump, hop, skip, tear stuff up, etc. I think it's extremely important to capture genuine emotion! Often times parents leave the shoot saying "wow! you work really well with kids, I don't know how you do it!!!" It's no wonder it comes natural to me, I have 1 daughter, 1 son, 3 nieces, 3 nephews, 1 God daughter, LITERALLY 50+ younger cousins who are required to call me "aunt", OH & approximately 40 cabbage patch kids that I raised since I was 10! 20 years of working with kids... no wonder!